
New Zealand

and it's wonderful wildlife

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Kiwi bird

Why New Zealand?

Unique wildlife

The animals of New Zealand, part of its biota, have an unusual history because, before the arrival of humans, less than 900 years ago, the country was mostly free of mammals, except those that could swim there (seals, sea lions, and, off-shore, whales and dolphins) or fly there (bats). However, as recently as the Miocene, it was home to the terrestrial Saint Bathans mammal, implying that mammals had been present since the island had broken away from other landmasses. The absence of mammals meant that all of the ecological niches occupied by mammals elsewhere were occupied instead by either insects or birds, leading to an unusually large number of flightless birds, including the kiwi, the weka, the moa (now extinct), the takahē, and the kākāpō. A tuatara, sometimes described as a "living fossil" Diversity of marine mollusc shells at Akaroa Beach, New Zealand Because of the lack of predators, even bats spend most of their time on the ground. There are also about 60 species of lizard (30 each of gecko and skink), four species of frog (all rare and endangered), and the tuatara (reptiles resembling lizards but with a distinct lineage).


Fascinating charismatic fauna

Orca in New Zealand


(Orcinus orca)

Whale & Dolphin Safari

Auckland, North Island


An eco-safari into the Hauraki Gulf for amazing encounters with marine life! You could see the endangered Bryde's whale, common and bottlenose dolphins, orca, seals, penguins, rare seabirds and more.

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Hector's dolphins in New Zealand

Hector's dolphin

(Cephalorhynchus hectori)

Black Cat nature cruises

Akaroa, South Island


Encounter the world's smallest and rarest dolphin, along with New Zealand fur seals, coastal birds, and more as you cruise through the majestic landscape of an extinct volcanic crater.

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Blue Penguins in New Zealand

Little blue penguin

(Eudyptula minor)

Blue penguins Pukekura

Otago Peninsula, South Island


Be fascinated by Kokora, the world's smallest penguin, emerging from the sea at dusk at Takiharuru/ Pilots Beach, on the end of the Otago Peninsula. Tours include information about the penguins, plants, other wildlife and Moari history. We guarantee to see penguins!

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Some of my photos from New Zealand